Environmental Impact Assessment Contributing to Sustainable Development and Decision Making | course on offer | 13 and 14 March 2012


Environmental Impact Assessment | Contributing to Sustainable Development and Decision Making

WESSA together with the Southern African Institute for Environmental Assessment (SAIEA), the Mazda Wildlife Fund and International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIAsa) is offering a 2 day short course on understanding Environmental Impact Assessment. The course will be run on 13 and 14 March 2012, from the Treasure Beach Environmental Education Centre.

Who should attend?
Civil Society, Interested and Affected Parties NGOs Community leaders, Environmental technicians, Councillors and Municipal staff WESSA staff, members and volunteers.

Why should you attend?
To get a greater understanding of the links between a sustainable environment and sustainable development;
Learn about your environmental rights and the role you can play in preserving the environment; Gain an appreciation of the role and value of Environmental Assessment (EA), Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in assisting South Africa to meet its strategic objectives (e.g. poverty alleviation and environmental sustainability); Enhance understanding of the need for improved governance in development planning; Learn how to critically review and comment on scoping, EIAreports and EMPs.

13 and 14 March 2012

Treasure Beach Environmental Education Centre, Brighton Beach, Durban
The course fee is R1 500 and includes all course materials.
Minimum Qualification
Matric (Grade 12)
Enquires and Information
Bianca McKelvey
Course Coordinator
+27 (0)31 201 3126
+27 (0)71 625 0829

+27 (0)86 582 3260
