ROOSEFONTEIN WALK Sunday 25 January 2015

ROOSEFONTEIN WALK Sunday 25 January 2015

Just a reminder about the Roosfontein walk; -  9 o'clock from Roosfontein B and B on Sunday 25 January 2015
The walk will be more challenging than the walks in Sea View D’MOSS area. There are streams to cross - rock hopping or one or two steps into the clear flowing water. We will start off from Roosfontein B & B, go down to the river valley and along, crossing the narrow stream in two places, and on to a picnic site below the cliffs; and return the same way.

 To get there:- Turn off the M5 (that is Sarnia Road, or Old Main Road) near the Malvern Police Station into KEWLEY ROAD. There is a green sign board pointing you to ROOSFONTEIN. Under the railway line, then, within a short distance, turn right into WALL ROAD, over the bridge crossing the M7, and then, again after a short distance, turn left into MIDDLETON ROAD, drive along Middleton Road looking for Northcliff Road and turn left into NORTHCLIFF ROAD and stop at NUMBER 7. You can park inside.

I guarantee this walk will raise your Durban Open Space experience a good number of notches. There is no charge, and the usual will be provided; a R5 donation will be appreciated.

If you have any questions, or need clarification on how to get there, don't hesitate to phone me. 
Hope to see you there.

Derek Nicholson

 072 400 1216     
