Deepening, Lengthening and Widening of Berth 203 to 205, Pier 2, DCT, Port of Durban is out for the 2nd period of review between 25 May 2012 and 01 June 2012.

Dear all

·         Re Durban Bay - see site link below
      1999 Port of Durban RoD
      Letter 3/5/12 on issues around RoD

·         See copied below from Nemai Consulting:
      Link to Final Scoping Report for second period of review 25 May 2012 to 01 June 2012

Please circulate to other interested and affected parties ASAP as very little time has been allowed for the review, and having been sent late on Friday 25th May, two days of the review period have already been lost.

If you have any queries or would like further background information on this issue, please contact:
Bianca Morgan 031 201 3126 / 071 625 0829


Jenny Duvenage
WESSA:KZN - Media & Research
100 Brand Road Durban, 4001
Tel:  031 201 3126
Fax: 031 201 9525

Dear Registered I&AP,

Please note that Final Scoping Report for the proposed Deepening, Lengthening and Widening of Berth 203 to 205, Pier 2, DCT, Port of Durban is out for the 2nd period of review between 25 May 2012 and 01 June 2012.

The report together with the comments and response report (Appendix P) can be accessed on the project website

In addition, copies will be available for review at the Seafarers Club (1 Seafarers Road, Bayhead) and the Central Reference Library (10th Floor, Liberty Towers, 214  Dr Pixley KaSeme Street, Durban).

Please feel free to contact me if you have any comments or queries.

Kind Regards,

Vanessa Brueton
Environmental Consultant

147 Bram Fischer Drive
Tel: 011 781 1730 
Fax: 011 781 1731
Mobile: 076 128 9126
