Notice UEC AGM 18 April 2012 | speakers Roy Cowgill and Steve Davis | Coordinated Waterbird Counts (CWAC) | Umgeni River Estuary

P O Box 5, Hyper by the Sea, 4053                                              Tel. no: 0315815300

     Supported by the Pick ‘n Pay Hypermarket, Durban North

                           ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Umgeni Estuary Conservancy will be held at:

VENUE           :                       Pick ‘n Pay Hypermarket Training Centre

DATE              :                       18 April 2012

TIME               :                       5.00 for 5.30pm

Enter through the staff entrance, which is on the north side of the Hypermarket and proceed to the first floor following the arrows to the training centre.


Roy Cowgill and Steve Davis of Birdlife Port Natal will speak on the Coordinated Waterbird Counts (CWAC) project and their contribution to these regular mid-summer and mid-winter censuses of the birds counted on the uMngeni Estuary since inception of the programme launched by the Animal Demography Unit in 1992.

Refreshments will be served.  Contact Margaret Burger on 0836305380 / 0315731054 or Pushie Pillay on 0315815300 to RSVP.

1.              Welcome
2.              Apologies
3.              Chairman’s report
4.              Financial report
5.              Election of members
6.              General
7.              Speaker
