BotSoc tree walk: Durban Country Club 14th April 2012

Dave Henry will be leading this walk from the 10th Tee at the beautiful Durban Country Club, pointing out the many indigenous trees which grow there. 

The Club originally had many exotic tree species incuding a large number of Casuarinas which have systematically been removed; the conservation strategy over the last 15 years has seen the areas between the fairways returned to indigenous coastal forest. 

Meet at the Halfway House parking area at 3.45 for 4.00 p.m.

Directions: turn left immediately you are through the boom at the entrance and follow the road down past the main parking area. DO NOT TURN OFF! When the tar ends, continue along the dirt road until you reach the Halfway House parking area.   For more information please contact Lindsay at or telephone 071 452 7063
