public meeting regarding the Port Expansion and Trucking Venue: Manning Rd Methodist Church, 450 Moore Rd Glenwood | 25th April 2016 | 18h00 – 20h00

Earthlife Africa invites you to a public meeting regarding the Port Expansion and Trucking
Venue: Manning Rd Methodist Church, 450 Moore Rd Glenwood
Date: Monday 25th April 2016
Time: 18h00 – 20h00

Many residents in Glenwood/Umbilo are becoming concerned about the increase in trucking in our area. The back of port plans include plans for rezoning areas for logistics for the Dug-out Port. Already trucking has a massive impact in terms of pollution, noise, congestion, accidents and general crime and grime. Unless communities rise up and stop these plans this will escalate as the port expansion plans into the old airport site and Bayhead will result in a 10 fold increase in the numbers of containers to come through the port. Already Clairwood has deteriorated due to industry using its roads for the transportation of heavy goods. This has resulted in a number of fatalities and homes being destroyed due to accidents. We need to reduce emissions of Greenhouse gases from road freight in order to transition to a low carbon city, and prevent catastrophic climate change. This will not happen unless residents are prepared to unite. The Dig-out port alone will cost R250 billion which the country cannot afford. The potential for corruption is huge. Civic organisations are joining together for a massive protest on 27 April. The purpose of this meeting is to inform people about recent developments in preparation for the protest. Let us unite around the slogan “People and the planet before profit”. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain a better understanding of this important issue. Des D’Sa from South Durban Community Environment Alliance and Vanessa Black from Earthlife Africa Durban will be speaking.
