WESSA SANI Branch | Notice of AGM | Wednesday 08 May 2013


Notice is hereby given that the Twenty-fifth Annual General Meeting of Sani Wildlife (Sani branch of WESSA:KZN Region) will be held on Wednesday 08 May 2013 at 19h00 in the Hall of the Underberg Primary School.

Please find enclosed/attached copies of the Agenda, and the Minutes of the 24th Annual General Meeting held on 02 May 2012. Kindly print out and/or bring these with you, if you require them for the meeting.

A nomination form for the new Committee is also attached and may be duplicated, as necessary. Nominations should be posted to PO Box 221, Underberg 3257 (to arrive before 30 April 2013), or may be handed in to the Branch Secretary, Graham Kletz, prior to the start of the meeting.

Apologies, prior to the meeting, may be notified to:
Rosanne Clark (Chairman)      033-702-1013 (mornings, Mon-Fri)/033-702-1061 (a/h), or
Graham Kletz (Secretary)       033-701-1167 (or email: kletzg@iafrica.com

You are cordially invited to join us at our (Sani) branch Annual General Meeting to be held in the School Hall at the Underberg Primary School on Wednesday 08 May 2013, 18h30 for 19h00.

The AGM will be followed by a talk by John Crowson (EKZN Wildlife) entitled “Eco-Tourism Challenges to National Parks in India and Nepal”, and there will be snacks and refreshments afterwards.
