WESSA takes steps to protect Hawaan Forest

The pristine and historic Hawaan Forest at Umhlanga needs specific action to ensure its continued viability it, the Durban Branch of WESSA resolved at its recent AGM.  Phoebe Carnegie, the local custodian of the area, spoke about her concerns at a recent meeting.  One problem is the increased number of fallen trees, some of which are blocking the trails.  With the increased sunlight, there has been a spread of grass, thus limiting the food for guinea fowl.

The Branch decided to pay for work to mark the trails again, and will seek the involvement of scientists to report on the condition of the forest.  There is ongoing alien clearing work, funded by Tongaat-Huletts, and care was being taken to manage this so as not to create too much cleared area.
The forest is a biodiversity hotspot, with well over 100 species of indigenous trees, some of which are rare.  Occasional walks are arranged through the forest with guides based at Breakers Hotel.

A walk through the Hawaan, organised by the Durban Branch


  1. Are the trees that are being felled old or dead decaying ones? Or is it a possibility of people cutting them down? If the second, you should contact authorities. For the dead and decaying, they serve as habitats for certain pests insects and parasites.

    -Tony Salmeron
    Tree Company Hendersonville


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